正糾結著哪裡找合適的防滑橡皮,腦子突然閃一下,這雙面膠帶中間不就是泡棉? 試用還算OK,看看這效果可撐多久~~
People rarely write by hand now. However, I like the feeling that using the pencil to draw down my ideas…
You may get trouble on the pencil sharpening machine
, here I’d like sharing my repair experience that step by step.
The Sharpening machine, cute~~ 本尊,可愛吧~
Disassemble 拆機
take off the screw, 拆螺絲
don’t lost the spring, 小心彈簧
remove the cover
Repair ,維修
I don’t have any fit rubber on hand, however I found a way to replace it, that is a double-sided foam tape~~~ a great idea, right?
How about it??
Let’s see how long it could work fine….